We offer for sale new knives (of the famous German company Hengstler) for cutting A4 (8 inches) roll

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Détail de l'annonce

We offer for sale new knives (of the famous German company Hengstler) for cutting A4 (8 inches) roll paper.

Price is 80 EUR per unit (it is only 30% of the selling brand price).

They are in our warehouse in Kiev, ready for shipment.

Knives can be used to cut paper after printing kiosk printers, label printers, and in other areas of application.

We can provide detailed specifications for the product, recommendations for its use.

Below are the photos of some versions of products for cutting roll paper:

Please send all questions on Telegram , WhatsApp tel: +380660621004Yuliya

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Prix de vente

80,00 €

Statistiques de l'annonce

Nombre de vues : 120

Dernière visite le : 18/01 à 05:06

Référence : 26742